NHS & ASV Fundraiser

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On Friday 5th July we had the pleasure of being able to support Tameside & Glossop NHS Charity Fundraiser at Tameside Hospital with a cycle challenge of completing 76km whilst raising vital funds for the hospital. Sam Bell, Duty Manager and Member Experience Lead worked with Tamesisde & Glossop Charity Lead, Emily Burgin in the run up to and on the day of the event. We provided two of our Spinning bikes that could be used throughout the day to record their distances travelled.


A huge 138km was achieved almost doubling their initial target of 76km!!! An incredible £166.00 was raised towards the trusts 'Everyone Matters' charitable fun which supports patient and staff experience, funding extra beds, sensory toys for the children's ward and so many more areas to support patient care.


Staff from across the hosptial took part including; Consultant Anaesthetist, the Chief Operating Office, Pharmacy Technicians, Sustainability Manager, General Surgery Manager and various admin roles.


We would like to thank Emily and all the staff involved in this event for the pleasure of us being part of such a great fundraiser and what is a great working partnership with lots of potential ideas to work together again in the future!



For more details on how we can help support your fundraising efforts or wish to get in touch to discuss opportunities on supporting your organisations health and wellbeing objectives then please reach out to us here